GCC Relations

GCC Relations

GCC Relations is an independent trusted advisor and global partner to private and public companies, governments and nongovernmental organizations, philantropic and cultural organizations, institutions and the individuals who lead them.


    We offer hands on assistance in the business development with attention to the growth of both volumes and profitability.


    We identify and analyze investment opportunities for institutional and private clients.
    We offer strategic advice for investments in the foreign market.


    We assess potential markets and analyze the political, legal and regulatory factors that can influence
    and help the success of the client's business.


    We create communication channels and build relationships with market leaders to promote the success
    and credibility of our client in the reference market.


    We develop internationalization strategies for both cultural institutions and private investors,
    identifying investment opportunities and articulating criteria for the creation of strong cultural partnerships.


    We help our clients develop effective strategies, identify key opportunities and achieve goals based on organizational
    and financial capabilities. From the design to the quantification of ex post impacts, we are able to offer end-to-end qualified support.


    We support the creation, organization and promotion of events.

GCC Relations

With an integrated and personalized approach, we help our clients to imagine, plan and implement sustainable projects. We offer the best solutions by combining strategic business vision and content development.

GCC Relations applies the experience gained nationally and internationally with numerous prestigious clients.

Gaetano Castellini Curiel

Gaetano Castellini Curiel

Gaetano Castellini Curiel (1969) works in the field of international and institutional relations and in strategic cultural consultancy following projects in both the private and institutional sector.

He began by developing market research in the Far East and subsequently collaborated with the public sector.

He was in charge of the Mayor of Milan for the Expo 2015 nomination campaign, for which he toured more than 80 countries in 18 months, convincing foreign governments to vote for Milan.

He has been advisor for the Foundation for the Development of Relations between Italy and Russia and for the Alliance for Africa Foundation, and he was Board Member of the E4Impact Foundation, dedicated to advanced training projects in Africa.

Gaetano Castellini Curiel

Gaetano Castellini Curiel

Gaetano Castellini Curiel (1969) works in the field of international and institutional relations and in strategic cultural consultancy following projects in both the private and institutional sector.

He began by developing market research in the Far East and subsequently collaborated with the public sector.

He was in charge of the Mayor of Milan for the Expo 2015 nomination campaign, for which he toured more than 80 countries in 18 months, convincing foreign governments to vote for Milan.

He has been advisor for the Foundation for the Development of Relations between Italy and Russia and for the Alliance for Africa Foundation, and he was Board Member of the E4Impact Foundation, dedicated to advanced training projects in Africa.

La candidatura

Expo: The true story of an Italian success

Gaetano Castellini Curiel

Milan, May 2015: Milan is getting ready to host Expo. What makes Governments choose a city rather than an other one? How can we persuade a secluded country in the Equatore area to support such an ambitious plan?
This book tells the public story of an event that will engage the whole City of Milan. Yet it is also the personal story of a man and his team who gave a substantial contribution to make this happening come true.
The candidacy tells the story of the never ending struggle versus the Turkish City of Izmir in order to get Expo 2015. The man who tells it has been traveling for nearly two years hunting for votes around for small Islands and strong Nations, spending his days in several hotels, flights and holding formal meetings with Foreign Presidents.
An amazing backstage, juggling between diplomacy and power, as much as swinging feelings in a daily fight between happiness and disappointment and surprises till the very end.

Publisher Indiana
Pp. 144 – Euro 16,50

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Soft Power e l’arte della diplomazia culturale

Soft Power e l’arte della diplomazia culturale

Gaetano Castellini Curiel

Il libro traccia il percorso evolutivo della diplomazia culturale nell'ambito delle politiche di Soft Power, ricostruendo come gli Stati abbiano utilizzato lo scambio di idee, informazioni e arte per sviluppare la propria capacità di attrazione su altri membri della comunità internazionale, influenzandone il comportamento senza ricorrere a strumenti diretti di pressione militare o economica.

Nel corso dei secoli, diverse nazioni hanno compreso l’importanza di "esportare" il proprio patrimonio culturale per consolidare il proprio ruolo geopolitico. Tra questi gli Stati Uniti, ad esempio, quando hanno consapevolmente costruito a fini politici una propria narrazione culturale sul terreno internazionale durante la guerra fredda, utilizzando la musica jazz come strumento di propaganda americana in Unione Sovietica, o quando le opere di Pollock e di altri espressionisti astratti assursero a manifesto globale di libertà e democrazia.

Soft Power analizza a fondo questo e altri momenti della storia della diplomazia culturale messa in opera dai principali attori della scena internazionale, offrendo una nuova chiave di lettura con cui analizzarne i rapporti nei diversi ambiti della cultura, in particolare le arti visive, la musica e il cinema. Il libro si conclude discutendo l'azione che i diversi "caratteri culturali" nazionali hanno svolto nell'influenzare le scelte di gestione e comunicazione politica e mediatica dell'attuale emergenza pandemica.

Il saggio sollecita efficacemente la riflessione su come il nostro Paese possa riconquistare il ruolo di riferimento culturale mondiale che ha avuto in diversi momenti della propria storia ed è una piacevole passeggiata di rilettura e scoperta attraverso episodi della storia contemporanea che sono inscritte nella nostra memoria di lettori di giornali o spettatori di TG.

Le Lettere
Formato 15x21
ISBN 9788893661966

Prezzo 16,50 euro